Sunday, November 08, 2009




Dr Colin Campbell BSc (hons), MSc, PhD, CPC, MMSAI, father of three was born and raised near the reputed birthplace of William Wallace, Cochrane Castle, Elderslie, Johnstone in a Glasgow overspill housing estate.

The 58 year old grandson of a lathe operator who turned the prop shafts for the Queen Mary at Wickman Lang, Colin worked around Clydeside at John Browns, Anchor Mills, Rootes Car Plant, The Post Office, Western SMT Buses, University of Glasgow, Euroscot Travel, as a farm worker, on his own small businesses, one on the Broomielaw and in teaching, to make ends meet.

The University of Glasgow honours graduate after gaining a Masters degree worked alongside several Nobel Prize laureates earning little money and a PhD. Interests include education, debt, unemployment, financial terrorism, individuals, children and grandchildren, poetry, literature, sailing, skiing, snowboarding, cycling, motorcycling, origins of man -the universe, art and DIY.

He is currently seeking a new job. Founded the aspiring international individuals TILT Movement based on the influences of Keir Hardie and the first and then three time Labour and Tory supported Prime Minister Ramsey McDonald who accepted no payment for his services in Government.


At 5:10 am, Blogger Fashion said...

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